Marketplace Management App by TESMO

Marketplaces are incredibly complex and important platforms. The work to fully manage a marketplace account requires a tight integration with Amazon's Marketplace Web Services and Selling Partner API. Marketplace Management by Tesmo is a proprietary application which provides that tight integration, allowing our clients to easily interact and understand their data.

APP Features

  • Brand Analytics - Monitor your ASIN performance trends on branded and non-branded search terms. Understand what terms you are converting on, and where there is opportunity to expand your advertising to capture additional sales

  • Product Listing - Create, Update, and Manage your Amazon ASIN Catalog and Listings

  • Pricing - Automated Product Pricing using your pricing constraints and real-time product pricing on Amazon

  • Amazon Fulfillment - Create FBA Shipments based on product sell through so you can keep your products in stock

  • Selling Partner Insights - Monitor account health so you can keep your listings active and your account in good standing

  • Finance and Accounting - Download transaction detail for Amazon payments that you can use to reconcile with your finances

  • Inventory and Order Tracking - Monitor and review real time product sales data, and real time inventory levels to capture product demand